Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lambusan, San Remigio, Cebu Project

The rice, in giant sacks, sits in Myrna's Mom's living room. Nephew James hides behind the bags.

Myrna's Dad starts to work as James continues to "help".
Dad and sister Tessie start to weigh out the rice portions

James continues to add value to the process
Kraft products delivered. The sorting process begins. This time James and his brother Ramram help out. "One for me...one for the kids"
Tang, Cheeze Whiz, Oreo...Oh My!

The crowd gathers at the front door on the 24th, eager to get their booty.
Parents and kids anxiously await their call
The banner looks great, even wit a few errors. The kids are happy.

The drawing book was a hit. This little boydrew the saddest picture. Life without enough food is not easy.
Others drew pictures of their town.
Many of the adults fish locally of the Dads are seamen, gone on cargo ships 6 months at a crack.

Another happy rural scene
Great shot of the local fishing boats.
One little girl drew her dream home.
Astro Boy to the rescue

A thanks to all the donors from Myrna and family - Mom, Dad, Myrna, Joey, Dadad, Tessie, RamRam, Steven, Noel, Ann, Sophia, Noelani, Liza, Joven, Gingging, Romie, Raymont, Jay, Trisha and Lanz
And of course the well known Lambusanian, Clarc Kent Topal!