The other night our little neighbor Clare stopped by with her Mid Autumn Moon Festival lantern in hand. She and her Mom and Grandparents stopped in for tea and Mooncakes as they walked the neighborhood with their lanterns.
Sophia and I had done a little Mooncake shopping the day before. There was a huge set up at the Takashimaya grand court with Mooncakes from many different places. First we sampled about 20 different kinds from different vendors. The cakes taste from very good to very nasty. The packaging is amazing though. We went for the local yam paste crispy cakes and green snowskin cakes from one place and the more traditional double lotus paste variety from the Dragon Phoenix restaurant.
Clare had two lanterns, one traditional and one in the shape of a pig (it is still the year of the pig you know). Her Mom and Grandparents had nice lanterns too. Her new brother victor was not able to make the trip but that was even better for Clare because she likes to be the center of attention. We gave her a little ball that lights up when it bounces and it amused her for at least the time she was at the house.
The festival is winding down but it is one of my favorites. We are also in the middle of Ramadan and the holiday ends with the Hari Raya festival on the 13th.
Most Muslims fast every day from sunrise to sunset and I see many people in the office participating. The good news about this month long fast is that we can always get a seat at noontime in the Halal Food Court in the mall next to the office.
Mmmm nothing like some Halal Singapore faves with no worry about finding a place to sit....
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