Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Is He Back?

I have fallen to Facebook, a new job, a new condo and too many things on my plate. But in light of some of my less rechno friends, family members and just plain blog fans, I will try to resurrect this humble journal.

Here is the last 12 months in a nutshell.

Found out I was leaving my job, decided to stay in Asia, negotiated package, left old job, started to look for new job, enjoyed hiatus, ate, drank, ate some more, had checkup, found I needed to have my colon removed, studied up on the options, had some job interviews, got a part time gig consulting, consulted, had brother for a visit, went to Bangkok, interviewed some more, got job offer (almost didn't), had colon removed, recovered, started work, worked, moved to new condo, went to HK a few times, settling in to work, fashion not food, going on first US biz trip....

Ok, are we all up to date now?

I will try pictures next time!!!!!


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