Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Grilling in the Heat

Shiny and new!

Funky shaped charcoal.

The ladies prep as the coals get going.

The master at work.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - lamb burgers.....

I got a nice little barbecue grill for my birthday. I feel the need to be able to cook meat over hot coals. I assume it's a guy thing. Of course here, where the evening temperatures drop to the high 80s with high humidity, it is almost possible to cook meat on the sidewalks.

So I got my grill and made some lamb burgers. Myrna made some nice vegetable skewers and we were off the the races. The coal was interesting - it wasn't the nice little perfectly uniform "briquette" found in a Kingsford bag but rather a bunch off oddly shaped black things that looked like the remnants of a fores fire somewhere. I tried to light the coals with paper in the handy chimney of the grill but that wasn't happening. I then lit one of the nifty little fire starter things I also got for my birthday. It looks like a little cupcake - you light the frosting and it starts to burn. It worked and while I bet it is made from 100% carcinogen, it did get the coals going.

It was hot out, dark and the grill was new and unusual so the first outing was not a complete success. The skewers were pretty good but the lamb burgers didn't cook as quickly as I had calculated. Sophia and Myrna both opted to put theirs into the microwave to finish them off but I of course toughed it out and ate the rare bloody burger as it was.

Next time - steaks, or maybe goat.....

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